GA4 Release Notes Explained: Transaction Reports

making a transaction in-store

Using GA4 can be a learning curve for many of us – but Google is doing its best to make life easier by updating the tool regularly.

However, navigating to Google’s release notes and understanding the impact of these updates isn’t the most intuitive process when we’re swept up in day-to-day business.

That’s why we’re stepping in to explain, in clear terms, what the latest GA4 updates mean – and why you should care about them.

Let’s take a look at transaction reports.

Transaction Reports


Businesses no longer have to manually piece together transaction data. 

The process of compiling revenue and item quantities per transaction has been automated.

What was happening before?

  • Users had to build custom reports, selecting dimensions and metrics such as transaction IDs, revenue and item quantity

  • Specific filters may have needed to be applied, such as narrowing down data to transaction-level details, then sorting and aligning it. This can take a long time for businesses with a large volume of transactions

ga4 transaction report

What happens now?

  • The new transactions report can be accessed directly within GA4

  • The pre-built report can be quickly sorted and filtered to focus on a specific metric, such as last week’s sales, without building custom reports

  • The report is updated in real time

What does it mean for me?

Less manual work. Now you can focus on analysing sales performance instead of spending time gathering data.

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